Washington Gov. Jay Inslee did not mention Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline despite his calls for other candidates to denounce it. In a series of tweets last month, Inslee asked his fellow candidates to bring attention to the potential ecological damages of the pipeline and to mention it during the debate.

Despite CNN providing ample time to discuss climate change, and giving Inslee the opening statement on the issue, he failed to mention Line 5.

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“I made it (my position) clear in multiple outlets, I hope including yours,” Inslee told Great Lakes News. “It was just one of those things with time.”

Inslee spent a few days in Detroit last month, visiting polluted areas and using his visit as a springboard to try and bring Line 5 into the national discussion.

“When the Democratic debates come to Michigan later this month, the Enbridge Line should be a major topic” he said. “I hope that every fellow Democratic candidate for president joins me in opposing this dangerous pipeline.”

While he failed to mention the pipeline during the debate, he did mention ZIP code 48217 which many consider the most polluted ZIP code in the state of Michigan. Inslee spent a large portion of his time in Detroit inside of 48217 talking with local climate activist.

“I was in zip code 48217 in the Detroit neighborhood the other day, Inslee said. “Right next to an oil refinery, where the kids have asthma and they have cancer clusters. I believe this, it doesn’t matter what your zip code is, you ought to have clean air and water.”

Inslee also told reporters that he hopes his words gave him enough exposure to secure him a place at the next Democratic debate in September.