LANSING, Mich. (Great Lakes News) – Summer power outages could be a reality in Michigan, according to a report by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO).

The nonprofit organization oversees the state’s power grid, and the report indicated July and August could be the toughest months for the Great Lakes State to keep the lights on and the air conditioning running.

While DTE and Consumers Energy officials said they want to assure the state that residences and businesses will have plenty of power this summer, Michiganders are faced with the reality that the state is pressing for more wind and solar power energy sources.

In fact, Consumers Energy has announced a plan to close its coal power plants by 2025.

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A administrative judge raised questions about a plan to shut down the entirety of the J.H. Campbell Power Plant in 2025.

The judge’s proposed order for the Michigan Public Service Commission recommends allowing the utility company to retire two of three units at the Campbell plant but rejects the utility’s plan to retire Unit 3.

He said said the company must do more research before shutting down the plant’s largest unit.