LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – The Michigan Chess Association and the will host the 2023 Michigan Master/Expert & Class Championships Tournament this weekend in Lansing. 

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As of this week, more than 200 players have signed up for the tournament – the biggest of its kind to date – which has been held in Lansing at the Radisson since 2006 according to President of the Michigan Chess Association Jeff Aldrich.  This year, due to renovations at the Radisson, it is being held at the Causeway Bay Hotel.    

The tournament will feature players mostly from Michigan, but also from other states and competitors from out of the country.  

“We actually have a good contingent of players from Windsor, Canada that regularly attend our events. I have seen some from Illinois & Wisconsin. We also usually get players from Ohio,” Aldrich said. 

Those who are ranked will have the opportunity to compete on Saturday, with Master and Expert games continuing on Sunday.  The tournament will also feature a novice competition on Jan. 21 only, for those who are beginners in the game.  

“Chess is a great game for building someone’s analytical skills,” Aldrich said, “We have seen an increase in attendance at most of our events since we returned from COVID. I think a lot of people found playing chess online during COVID was a good way to pass the time and now they are exploring playing in person.” 

Novices will have timed games lasting no more than an hour, while Master / Expert games will have a max time of four hours.  Winners from the Master and Expert classes will receive $750, $350 for first and second place, respectively.  Other cash prizes will be available for top finishers in those ranked Class A through E as well.  For more information or to sign up for the competition, visit Michigan Chess.