WASHINGTON, D.C. (Michigan News Source) – The House recently passed a bill that seems like the type of legislation every lawmaker could get behind – deporting illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes and domestic violence. Sounds simple, right? Well, not for 158 Democrats, including five from Michigan, who, for some reason, decided to vote against this basic protection for women and children while all six Republican House members and only two Democrats in the state voted yes for the legislation.

The bill says it will “amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed sex offenses or domestic violence are inadmissible and deportable.” Pretty straightforward. Additionally, it includes provisions covering crimes such as stalking, child abuse, neglect, abandonment, and violations of protection orders related to credible threats of violence, repeated harassment, or bodily harm.

Who voted no?

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Let’s name and shame the Michigan representatives who voted against protecting women and children: They are Democrats Debbie Dingell, Daniel Kildee, Haley Stevens, Rashida Tlaib, and Sri Thanedar. These five House Democrats from Michigan chose to oppose the “Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act” (officially HR 7909) which aims to close loopholes, ensuring illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes, child abuse, and domestic violence are deported.

Deportation over sex crimes is a no-brainer: except for 158 Democrats.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who introduced the legislation earlier in the year, didn’t mince words on social media saying, “158 Left-wing members of Congress just voted against deporting rapists, pedophiles, and murderers of women and kids.”

Some of these politicians who voted against the bill are “well known” Democrats like James Clyburn (SC), Hakeem Jeffries (NY), Nancy Pelosi (CA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Adam Schiff (CA) and Pramila Jayapal (WA).

What were the numbers?

Luckily, the bill passed with the support of 215 Republicans and only 51 Democrats. Yes, common sense prevailed, for the most part. But the dissent of 158 Democrats (no Republicans) speaks volumes about the priorities of these lawmakers.

Michigan’s own Dingell, Kildee, Stevens, Tlaib, and Thanedar joined their out-of-touch colleagues in blocking the deportation of sex offenders and violent criminals – but two Democrats couldn’t afford to join them and ultimately voted yes – Reps. Hillary Scholten and Elissa Slotkin.

Slotkin senses reality and makes a smart move.

Slotkin is in a tight race, running for the open Senate seat in Michigan against former Rep. Mike Rogers, and probably realized that voting against a bill like this would be political suicide i.e. a gift- wrapped present for her Republican opponent. Meanwhile, her Democratic colleagues are trying to come up with some kind of explanation for voting against the bill.

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Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) argued against the bill’s “redundancies” Far-left Democrats seem to cry “redundancy” whenever it comes to protecting women and children from dangerous criminals. They obviously think there are enough laws out there to protect vulnerable Americans – but there obviously aren’t. Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal (a woman) used another argument against the legislation, saying they were debating a partisan bill that fear mongers against immigrants.

However, Republican Rep. Tom McClintock from California says the new legislation removes loopholes in current law that don’t protect women and children enough from the illegal immigrants who commit sex offenses or domestic violence. He also pointed out Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who had argued in a September 2021 memo that domestic violence should’t be categorically used as grounds to apprehend and remove an illegal alien. Shameful. Absolutely shameful.

Republican Congresswoman Laurel Lee from Florida said about the bill and the Democrats’ non- support of it, “The Biden-Harris administration’s war on women must come to an end. H.R. 7909 is one step toward addressing that. Removing people from because they’ve committed a sex offense or domestic violence offense should be something that even open border Democrats can agree with us on.”

Why this bill matters: illegal immigrants and sex crimes in America.

The reality is this: sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants are in the news weekly, sometimes daily, and it’s only getting worse. Across the country, we’ve seen cases where illegal immigrants who, even when convicted of rape, child molestation, and domestic abuse, get released back into communities due to “sanctuary” policies that prioritize protecting the criminals rather than their victims. This bill aims to curb that madness by ensuring that these individuals are deported.

Many of these crimes have been documented on the website “Border Hawk News” but the stories do not appear regularly, if at all, in the mainstream media including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC as well as progressive news outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post.

Open borders, closed eyes to what’s going on in America.

Just recently, ICE reported the 153rd arrest of an illegal immigrant sex offender in Maryland. It’s not a one-off story; these types of cases are happening far too often. Not only are there dangerous predators all around the country that Americans have to fear, the “system” allows these dangerous individuals to re-enter the country repeatedly, even after deportation. And when these criminals aren’t removed, they go back into our communities, continuing their patterns of abuse and violence.

Take, for instance, the case of Warley Neto, a Brazilian national, who was released despite a history of violent assault on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, only to be charged with raping a child months later. ICE had requested three times to detain him, but due to the local authorities’ “sanctuary” policies, he was let back into the community. Cases like these are exactly what this bill seeks to prevent.

On September 3, 23-year-old Honduran national Diego Rodriguez-Salvador was arrested for kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint in Kenner, Louisiana. The assault occurred in a mobile home at a local trailer park. Rodriguez-Salvador, who was familiar with the victim, initially fled but was apprehended after a manhunt led to his vehicle. He eventually surrendered to police. Authorities have little information about Rodriguez-Salvador, who is an undocumented immigrant from Honduras, and they describe him as a “ghost,” likely one of many “gotaways.”

So when the five Michigan Representatives voted no, they effectively voted to allow these individuals to stay in the U.S. While Rep. Jerry Nadler and his Democratic friends claim the bill has “redundancies” and wouldn’t impact any additional offenders, we sit back apprehensively while we see criminals from foreign nations get repeatedly released back into our communities.

Is there such a thing as too much protection from rapists and child abusers? Apparently, Nadler and his crew seem to think so. Yet, in a twist of hypocrisy, they churn out new gun control laws at every turn, claiming to protect citizens from a so-called “gun violence epidemic” they can never stop talking about.

Where do we go from here?

The bill now heads to the Democrat-controlled Senate, where it faces an uncertain future. If Democrats in the Senate follow the lead of their House counterparts, we may see this bill shelved, leaving vulnerable women and children at greater risk.

Meanwhile, voters should take note of who supported this bill and who didn’t. In a sane world, deporting convicted sex offenders would be a no-brainer. But in today’s Democratic Party, apparently, nothing is that simple.