FLINT, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – A grant application filled out by the City of Flint police department shines a light on how expensive policing is in that city.

The city claims it would cost $175,168 to have a police sergeant involved in the grant program to reduce car theft, including salary, pension and vehicle costs.

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In addition, the city broke down the one-year costs this way: $61,420 for salary costs, $68,400 for pension costs and $20,000 for vehicle costs. The pension costs of the police sergeant are 11% more than the salary costs.

The city budgeted $29.2 million for its police department in 2024 with total General Fund expenditures at $69.5 million.

The city of Flint has $540.8 million in pension liabilities with $332.9 million set aside in a retirement fund to pay for it. Flint has covered just 61.6% of its expected pension obligations as of 2023.